Thursday, 14 March 2013

Finished DVD cover and EVALUATION

Here is my finished DVD cover. What i done was take a picture that wasn't too smiley so that it fit in with the whole meaning of being brainwashed by the media and magazines and how it can affect people.  After i took the picture i edited it in photoshop, i used the quick selection tool so that i didn't get any of the background in the picture as i didn't want it there. I edited the picture by changing the colour levels and i added noise to it to make it a bit fuzzy-ish. After that i added a bit of text about eating and disorders - as you can see below. I added a little apple in the bottom corner as there's a quote saying 'An apple a day keeps the doctor away' and i thought that was interesting to use. I made this DVD cover based on my documentary on how people view things when they see skinny people in magazines and if it makes them want to go to the extremes to me skinny... 
For this i used a Nikon camera, lighting, photoshop, and made the photo more interesting with editing it. There was a disadvantage when i cut the picture (quick selection tool) as i didn't know what tool to use to neaten  up the edges so i carefully used the rubber tool! The thing that went wrong was my idea altogether as i planned to do a whole background of text (as you can see in previous posts) and  i was going to put the picture in the middle of that, but i got the image size wrong and it didn't turn out the way i wanted it to turn out and it saved as a really small file unfortunately. I overcome that by doing this DVD cover by not adding as much text and made it look a bit more simple (and in some cases, less is more!) I learned how to use the quick selection tool a lot better and simpler. My biggest achievement would be how i started again a made a better cover than originally planned as my first idea.  I am very happy with the final product. I could improve by neatening up the edges with the correct tool on photoshop instead of using an eraser tool. Overall i think i done excellent planning as i put my time and thoughts into it, and came up with something different! The only thing i'd change is just using the correct tool next time as i am happy with my work today. Couldn't be happier, and instead of giving up when i failed, i started again and done a better job! Think i deserve a pat on the back to be honest... 

1 comment:

  1. Good evaluation - But - go through it and make all of those little 'i's' into capital 'I's' - and write a brief bit about why you have no back cover (you ran out of time - deadline was approaching quickly etc etc)...
